Disempowering Managers

What are the signs you are being managed by a disempowering manager?

Here are five behaviours to watch out for:

  1. They tell vs coach. People are not encouraged or supported to think through their own solutions.
  2. They say I a lot more than We. They promote themselves and their success rather than celebrating the success of their team.
  3. They create poor team dynamics. Team members are played off against each other rather than the differences and strengths being harnessed.
  4. Their voice dominates meetings. Meetings tends to be a one-way communication channel rather than two way.
  5. They look for mistakes and errors. They focus on catching people doing things wrong rather than right.

Disempowering management leads to high staff turnover, poor teamwork, and low morale. Yet, managers can become more effective with greater self-awareness and training.

Do you have leaders or managers disempowering their team or your organisation? If you do, reach out today to discuss how we can help them empower their teams: enquiry@hewlettrand.com

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