Knowledge, skills and attitudinal training

Employee training should cover more than the knowledge required to do a job.


Knowledge based training is only a third of the training required to perform well.


There are different types of training required to fully equip employees.


Knowledge based training


The most clear cut form of training is knowledge based training where learners are provided with facts and information about a particular subject.


Regulatory training is a concrete example, where regulatory information is provided to learners about a topic. Product knowledge training is another solid example. Learners can be given various assessments to demonstrate learners have acquired a satisfactory level of knowledge.


Skills based training


Skills based training requires application of knowledge. This is where learners apply their knowledge and skills to scenarios relevant to their role and working environment, in a safe environment.


For example, coaching skills training where managers practice their skills with a coachee or sales training where sales professionals practice their selling skills through customer role play.


Attitudinal training


Attitudinal training is where learners are encouraged to reflect upon their own opinions and behaviours towards a subject or people.


In recent years, mental health training has helped to shift our attitudes towards mental health and wellbeing. Attitudinal training is to with improve team dynamics and developing behaviours to support organisational values.


Whilst training must equip employees with the knowledge for their roles, skills and attitudinal training is equally as important if employees are to meet the performance and behavioural standards expected of them.


Hewlett Rand provides leadership, management and sales team skills training for scales ups and established organisations to help them grow.

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