Weston College

Accelerate, supports organisations across North Somerset as an innovative project, funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund. Project partners include North Somerset Council, The FoodWorks, North Somerset Enterprise Agency and Weston College.

‘We want to see North Somerset thrive, by supporting local enterprises to accelerate their growth by establishing a culture of innovation and dedicated skills training; we created a set of bespoke workshops with Hewlett Rand so leaders and managers had access to funded support needed to grow and develop their capabilities’. Says Lynsey McKinstry, Business Partnership Manager at Weston College

‘The sessions offered management skills, informative breakout sessions around coaching, empowering teams and sales development. The participants were able to talk peer to peer about their own experiences which proved invaluable as attendees came from a mix of sector backgrounds – health, tech, hospitality, manufacturing, charity, creative and public sector’.

‘The Hewlett Rand training team are calm and methodical, with excellent presentation skills. They covered a wealth of topics through careful guidance and planning, matched with great interaction, concepts and techniques; the feedback was hugely positive. Our collaboration with Hewlett Rand continues as we continue to roll out further training to support local businesses with the skills they need to growth’.

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