Why should a scale up invest in top team development support?

The UK ScaleUp Institute shows that Scale Ups:

– Are more productive than their peers, generating an average of £338,000 turnover per employee.

– That 3 in 4 Scale Ups have introduced or improved a product/service/process in the last three years, twice the rate of large firms, and they are significant adopters of new technologies.

– That 9 out of 10 Scale Ups expect to grow again in the coming year. Half expect 20%+ growth, 1 in 4 expect to achieve 50%+ growth in either turnover or employment.

– That half of Scale Ups are involved in international trade, in a range of markets across the world.

Yet, 36% of Scale Up CEOs surveys said that a key barrier to growth is leadership development.

To tackle this barrier, our in-house Dragonfly Academy is structured to support Top Teams to:

– Create strategic clarity and alignment with a clear plan for growth

– Maintain leadership team focus and team cohesion, while remaining agile to change

– Upskill leadership and management capabilities with shared skills, tools and techniques

– Encourage peer to peer learning and knowledge exchanges

– Inspire innovation, new ways of working, improved processes and systems

– Motivate the team to achieve their vision, goals and ambitions

– Redistribute workloads to support work/life balance reducing the risk of burn-out

#DragonflyAcademy was designed to equip Top Teams with the leadership and management skills they need to Scale Up sustainably.

If you’d like to learn more about how we support your Top Team, reach out today: enquiry@hewlettrand.com

Explore How We Can Help

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Please complete the form below, and we will contact you for a free discovery call to discuss your requirements.

Call us today on +44 (0)330 004 0868 or email enquiry@hewlettrand.com to find out.

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