Why use 360° feedback?

360° feedback is a tool that allows managers to compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative feedback from their team, peers and line manager to identify training and development opportunities.

The key benefits of 360° feedback include:

  • Motivated managers who can review and contrast measured feedback against key competencies on their overall management capabilities to plan their development
  • The organisation can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their management to effectively plan training and resources to improve management capabilities
  • Open development feedback supports a continuous improvement culture, providing detailed feedback to coaching and improve performance
  • A annual 360 feedback process provides ongoing evaluation to measure the effectiveness and impact of management development

#360Feedback provides valuable information for line managers to support their career advancement, development and performance and it serves as valuable insight for tailored management development programmes too.

To learn more about 360° feedback, reach out today: enquiry@hewlettrand.com

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